Friday 12 February 2010

Location Scouting

For location scouting, i had a large input when creating the location profiles. I explained our choices for the locations, and how they would be effective within our film. we had to go out and find the locations for our film and take pictures to show what they look like and how we would use them. We chose to use the garage because as a place of work it is secretive and out of the way of the public eye. We chose the pub for a meeting place because we tried to stick to being as realistic as possible by using a typical meeting place. The school will be used as a background for a news report, To explain to our audience what has been happening in the film.
Our locations scouting profile can also be found on our group blog.

Costumes and Props

When completing our section on costumes, there were many other tasks that needed completing before this deadline. I had very little input in the costumes that we were going to use in our film. Me and James were focusing on another task that needed completing by the deadline. India and Steph had the major input into the costumes that we were going to use in the film. The girls also dealt with the props that we are going to use. We as a group were thinking of using garage tools as murder weapons, but we decided not to use them and keep our props to a minimum.At the end of the task we all agreed on the costumes and props that we were going to use, and we were happy with the choices that were made. Our costume and props profile can be found on the KingsFord Productions group blog.

Friday 5 February 2010

Similar Media Works

Our group had to create a similar media works presentation, to research into the horror genre and sub genres. All the group had an input in the presentation, splitting the tasks between the four of us. I completed the slides on Characters, symbols and signifiers, and also added a mise en scene report for the opening scene of 'Hannibal'. Once we all finished the presentation, Steph went through and edited slides that needed to be changed in order to get the best possible mark. I feel that the similar media works presentation really helped give our group an idea on the traditional values of horror, and also what types of characters, symbols, and storylines are used in order to make a successful and effective horror film.

Friday 22 January 2010

Target Audience Profile

Our target audience profile gives us an understanding of what range of people our film is aimed at. We did this be creating a questionnaire, (This can be found on our group blog). we asked a number of people to answer our questionnaire, and this gave us an idea of what an audience expects from a horror film. We all had an input into the target audience profile, giving james ideas on what to write, but because we had so many other sections of preparation needing completing, james concentrated soley on finishing the target audience profile. This can also be found on the group blog.

Friday 8 January 2010


Our group created a storyboard in order to show how our film is going to take shape. We all had an equal input on the storyboard, deciding the best way to make an effective opening to our horror film. I came up with the idea at the end of the storyboard of having the killer watching the news report at the end of the opening. We first presented our storyboard as a first draft, and then created a second storyboard in order to create our animatic storyboard. I had an input in the animatic storyboard, by filming, and also speaking and describing what would be happening in each section of the storyboard.

Friday 11 December 2009

Update (Auditions and Casting)

Recently our whole group have been working on auditioning and casting for our film, whilst also looking at locations to film. On the whole our group is working really well. We are splitting out time equally in order to meet our deadlines, we will soon be posting on the group blog our casting information, and also how we felt our auditions went. Overall i am happy with the progress that the group is making, and i am happy with my own input to the work that we are doing to make our film.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Our Horror Remake

Our group decided that we were going to remake the opening of Saw. We were given one hour to go out and film our remake with the best resources and location possible around the school. After filming all of our footage we then uploaded it all to the K drive. We made sure that we used the conventions used in the opening of Saw and that we used a wide range of camera angles.
When editing our film we had trouble uploading the footage on to the Adobe Premier Elements programme. This was because we had only saved our footage to the K drive and not the G drive. Once we started editing we tried to make sure that the timing and the overall features of our film were the same as the original. We split up our time well so everybody got a chance to have their input on the editing.
Overall i feel that our group worked well on this task and that if we continue to work well, we will produce a high quality opening scene to our horror film.

Our 'Saw' remake can be found on the KingsFord Productions LTD blog.